

What we do

We Provide Information, Training, and Coaching to Help
Entrepreneurs Rapidly Grow Their Businesses

GKIC offers strategies for business owners to grow their business through direct response marketing. You’ll discover how to attract more of your ideal customers and clients, get them to come back more often, have them spending more on each visit and send you more referrals than you ever thought possible. These strategies are revealed every month to our Insider Circles Members, at live workshops and through offline and online resources so you can get started immediately. If you want to get the strategies you need to have the business you dream of and hold every single dollar you spend accountable for multiplying itself then Glazer Kennedy Insiders Circle is the place for you.

How We Do It

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Phoenix Strategies Membership
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Phoenix Strategies Conferences / Events
Phoenix Strategies offers conferences numerous times a year (did YOU go to the Super Conference?) Check back often for information on the InfoSUMMIT, and the Super ConferenceSM
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Phoenix Strategies Coaching
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Phoenix Strategies Store
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Michael Hall

Michael Hall

L. Michael Hall est un leader visionnaire dans le domaine de la PNL et le fondateur de la Neuro-Sémantique avec le talent de savoir modéliser l’excellence humaine . Michael a un doctorat en Sciences Cognitivo-Comportementales. Il a étudié avec Richard Bandler avant de travailler avec lui pendant plusieurs années. Plus tard, suite à sa modélisation de la compétence de résilience, il développa le modèle des Méta-États (1994) qui lança le nouveau domaine de la Neuro-Sémantique

Tuesday, 03 December 2013 13:37

Modeling Beyond Beliefs

Modeling any experience inevitably involves modeling beliefs. Whether you are modeling an experience of excellence or an experience of dysfunction and pathology, beliefs are involved. They drive the experience.

I recently read several books by Chris Argyris, an original thinker about management, leadership, learning, change, etc.  I was particularly interested when he described an anti-learning process which he called “a defensive structure.”